Flying home
We drove off to the airport in two separate vans, one of which got stopped by the police who thought its licence plate number was "fishy". Ah well, in the end, it turned out to be nothing, and the policeman waved us to go on. Despite the slight delay, we managed to arrive at the airport in time to check-in.
We paid our airport taxes (10,000 rupiah per person), boarded the 11:30 am GA 199 flight to Medan, and swiftly arrived at our port-of-transit within an hour. It wasn't long before we were able to check-in for our second flight bound for Singapore. Again, we paid our airport taxes (75,000 rupiah per person) and boarded the 3:00 pm GA 838 flight. It was an uneventful journey, and we touched down at Changi Terminal 1 at around 5:25 pm, Singapore time.
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